elgato key light Classifica 2024

elgato key light air

Scopri consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su elgato key light air ventuto a 129.99 € ; questo prodotto è inserito nella categoria Illuminazione interna, prodotto da Elgato ed è venduto da Mediaworld.it

Key Light Air Con il suo design sottile e compatto, Key Light Air si integra in qualsiasi allestimento. Piccoli dettagli, come il profilo proteso in avanti e le marcature per regolare l'altezza, la rendono speciale. Il controllo a portata di mano: Key Light Air si connette tramite Wi-Fi a PC, Mac, dispositivi Android o iPhone. Puoi regolare la luminosità e il colore tramite l'app Control Center e ottenere sullo schermo un feedback in tempo reale. Rilassante per gli occhi: A differenza delle luci da studio convenzionali, Key Light Air offre molto più di un look professionale. La struttura con illuminazione del bordo a Led, con tecnologia di diffusione a più strati, garantisce una luce indiretta, ultra morbida. Inoltre rispetta la tua retina.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
tempo di consegna: 24-48 ore
EAN: 0840006618638

elgato key light

Scopri informazioni, consigli e prezzi per elgato key light, costo di 186.99 € : si colloca nella categoria Illuminazione interna; questo prodotto è venduto da Mediaworld.it ed è realizzato da Elgato

Elgato Key Light I riflettori sono puntati su di te: Un'illuminazione di qualità è il segreto per far brillare la tua fotocamera. Dal modo in cui sorridi e festeggi fino al modo in cui ti concentri e ti spaventi, gli spettatori vogliono vedere ogni espressione nel dettaglio. Dopo tutto, sei la star dello spettacolo. Si iscrivono per vedere te. E con Key Light, sanno immediatamente che sei un professionista. Progettato a partire dalla scrivania: L'illuminazione convenzionale da studio può portare disordine nella tua configurazione. Costruito in metallo massiccio, Elgato Key Light elimina questo problema grazie ad un profilo ottimizzato che non intralcia. Non tocca nemmeno il pavimento, inoltre si posiziona a filo muro. È sufficiente fissare il supporto da palo al tavolo, estenderlo all'altezza ideale e il gioco è fatto. Ti fa dimenticare i softbox: Mentre i softbox tendono a farti sudare, Key Light mantiene la soglia di calore incredibilmente bassa nonostante l'enorme potenza di 2800 lumen. 160 LED Osram di qualità superiore garantiscono un'illuminazione estremamente luminosa che può essere attenuata fino a ottenere un fievole bagliore. La gamma di temperatura colore da 2900 a 7000 K produce sfumature che vanno dal blu artico all'ambra del tramonto. E la superficie in vetro opalino satinato garantisce una diffusione equilibrata e senza abbagliamenti con un’angolazione perfetta del fascio luminoso. Sempre a disposizione: Perché spostarsi per regolare le impostazioni solo per ottenere un'immagine che fa pena? Key Light sostituisce le manopole difficili da raggiungere con una connessione Wi-Fi diretta al PC. Così puoi rilassarti con l’app Control Center, regolare l'illuminazione dalla comodità del mouse, ottenere un feedback in tempo reale sullo schermo. E puoi persino sincronizzare tutti i Key Lights che vuoi. Compatibile con Stream Deck: Luci, motore, azione: tutto con un unico tocco. Stream Deck porta Key Light al livello successivo grazie alle integrazioni dirette che puoi personalizzare a tuo piacimento. Aumenta la potenza, regola la luminosità, personalizza la temperatura del colore e molto altro. Puoi anche salvare diverse impostazioni per accedervi al volo. E questo è solo l'inizio, perché con Stream Deck, le nuove integrazioni continuano ad arrivare. Si distingue: Progettato in modo impeccabile per soddisfare la crescente domanda di produzione video, Key Light è il punto di riferimento per l'illuminazione studio di fascia alta. Estremamente luminoso eppure incredibilmente dimmerabile. Salvaspazio e costruito per resistere alla prova del tempo. Con abilitazione tramite app e destinato a evolversi con te. Tutto di Key Light fa pensare che fai sul serio.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
tempo di consegna: 24-48 ore
EAN: 4260195391758

elgato key light neo

Trova consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su elgato key light neo venduto 99.99 € , presente nella categoria Illuminazione interna; questo prodotto appartiene al Elgato ed è venduto da Mediaworld.it

Elgato Key Light Neo Grandi effetti di facile resa. Presentiamo Key Light Neo, una luce piccola ma potente che ti farà risplendere appena l‘accendi. A differenza delle lampade da tavolo o delle plafoniere, Key Light Neo è perfetta per le webcam. Immagini sgranate? Aumenta la luminosità. Colori spenti? Imposta la tonalità adatta alla tua pelle. Il nostro iconico design con bordi illuminati elimina i riflessi, così puoi trasmettere in streaming o fare videochiamate tutto il tempo che vuoi. Quando lo spettacolo è finito, passa all‘illuminazione della scrivania. Senza un assetto complicato. Basta collegare Key Light Neo al portatile, posizionarla sul monitor e avrai sempre un aspetto professionale.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
tempo di consegna: 24-48 ore
EAN: 0840006673453

elgato key light air

Scopri consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su elgato key light air ventuto a 133.9 € ; questo prodotto è inserito nella categoria Illuminazione interna, prodotto da Elgato ed è venduto da Euronics.it

Key Light Air - Abilitato al Wi-Fi: accensione/spegnimento e regolazione delle impostazioni della luce tramite app su Mac/Windows/iPhone/Android - 1400 Lumen: illuminazione efficace dello spazio di lavoro e attenuazione della luminosità per una luce soffusa - 2900 – 7000 K: regolazione della temperatura colore da ambra del tramonto al blu artico - 80 LED OSRAM di qualità superiore: forniscono intensità costante senza riscaldarsi - Bordo illuminato: l’illuminazione indiretta garantisce ore di comfort - Diffusione a più strati: garantisce una trasmissione della luce continua senza abbagliare - Profilo compatto: si inserisce in qualsiasi allestimento e risparmia spazio - Supporto telescopico e testa a sfera: facile regolazione di altezza e inclinazione del pannello LED - Base autoportante: facile impostazione e riposizionamento - Gestione cavi integrata: per un allestimento semplice e ordinato - Compatibile con Multi Mount: offre opzioni di montaggio aggiuntive - Funziona con Stream Deck: l’integrazione diretta offre un controllo tattile one-touch. Una soluzione di illuminazione professionale Wi-Fi con 80 LED di qualità superiore con 1400 lumen. La struttura con illuminazione del bordo, con tecnologia di diffusione a più strati, garantisce una luce morbida senza affaticare gli occhi. Un profilo basso, le dimensioni ridotte e il sistema di gestione cavi integrato tengono in ordine la tua postazione. L’app Control Center offre la massima flessibilità. Connetti semplicemente il tuo Mac, PC Windows, iPhone o dispositivo Android per regolare la luminosità e la temperatura colore da qualsiasi punto del tuo studio e ricevi un feedback immediato sullo schermo. Completamente regolabile e autoportante. Progettato con ingenio e davvero eccezionale. Vorrai usare Key Light Air per qualsiasi cosa.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
costo di spedizione: 4.9
EAN: 0840006618638

elgato light strip wifi

Scopri consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su elgato light strip wifi ventuto a 69.99 € ; questo prodotto è inserito nella categoria Illuminazione interna, prodotto da Elgato ed è venduto da Mediaworld.it

Elgato Wifi Light Strip Elgato Light Strip porta nel tuo studio un’illuminazione dell’ambiente all’avanguardia. I LED Rgbww offrono il massimo spettro con cui poter lavorare per la miscelazione dei colori e una luce senza sfarfallio. Un bianco freddo durante la giornata, un bianco caldo per le serate a notte fonda e 16 milioni di colori per impostare qualsiasi atmosfera immaginabile. Taglia, piega e fissa sulla superficie desiderata il retro dotato di adesivo tesa®. Regola istantaneamente la luminosità e il colore tramite l’app su Mac, Windows, iPhone o Android. Massima immersione, miscelazione granulare del colore, controllo istantaneo, tutto questo con Elgato Light Strip.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
tempo di consegna: 24-48 ore
EAN: 0840006636342

elgato light strip extension

Trova consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su elgato light strip extension venduto 31.98 € , presente nella categoria Illuminazione interna; questo prodotto appartiene al Elgato ed è venduto da Mediaworld.it

Elgato Light Strip Extension Estendi facilmente Elgato Light Strip fino a 10 m. Dotato di LED Rgbww ultra luminosi e senza sfarfallio, Elgato Light Strip porta nel tuo studio un‘illuminazione dell‘ambiente all‘avanguardia. Un bianco freddo durante la giornata, un bianco caldo per le serate a notte fonda e 16 milioni di colori per impostare qualsiasi atmosfera immaginabile. Taglia, piega e fissa sulla superficie desiderata il retro dotato di adesivo tesa. Regola istantaneamente la luminosità e il colore tramite l‘app su Mac, Windows, iPhone o Android. Massima immersione, miscelazione granulare del colore, controllo istantaneo, tutto questo con Elgato Light Strip.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
costo di spedizione: 4.99
tempo di consegna: 24-48 ore
EAN: 0840006645047

elgato ring light

Scopri informazioni, consigli e prezzi per elgato ring light, costo di 209.9 € : si colloca nella categoria Flash esterni fotocamere; questo prodotto è venduto da Euronics.it ed è realizzato da Elgato

Ring Light - Controllo tramite i pulsanti integrati o l’app su Mac/Windows/iPhone/Android - Emissione di 2500 lumen e completamente dimmerabile - Bianco da 2900 K (caldo) a 7000 K (freddo) - LED OSRAM di qualità superiore garantiscono video senza sfarfallio - La struttura con illuminazione del bordo e diffusione a più strati garantisce una luce morbida che non affatica gli occhi - L’attacco a sfera della fotocamera consente una regolazione indipendente dell’angolo di ripresa - Supporto telescopico e testa a sfera per la regolazione dell’altezza e dell’angolo del fascio di luce - Il morsetto da tavolo imbottito stabilizza Ring Light e risparmia spazio - La compatibilità con Multi Mount offre opzioni di fissaggio aggiuntive - L’integrazione con Elgato Stream Deck offre un controllo tattile one-touch - Elgato Ring Light è una soluzione LED con Wi-Fi integrato, progettata per rendere più naturale l’illuminazione della pelle, eliminare le ombre e dare ai tuoi occhi quel luccichio speciale senza esagerare. Basta fissare la fotocamera all’attacco a sfera e connettere il tuo Mac, PC Windows, iPhone o dispositivo Android per regolare la luminosità e la temperatura colore da qualsiasi punto del tuo studio, oppure utilizza i controlli integrati.. Avere un aspetto impeccabile non è mai stato così piacevole grazie alla struttura di qualità con illuminazione del bordo e alla tecnologia avanzata di diffusione a più strati. Ideale per riprese video e ritratti, Elgato Ring Light rende maestri dell’illuminazione dei primi piani.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
costo di spedizione: 4.9
EAN: 0840006626053

elgato ring light

Scopri consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su elgato ring light ventuto a 197.99 € ; questo prodotto è inserito nella categoria Illuminazione interna, prodotto da Elgato ed è venduto da Mediaworld.it

Elgato Ring Light Elgato Ring Light è una soluzione LED con Wi-Fi integrato, progettata per rendere più naturale l’illuminazione della pelle, eliminare le ombre e dare ai tuoi occhi quel luccichio speciale senza esagerare. Basta fissare la fotocamera all’attacco a sfera e connettere il tuo Mac, PC Windows, iPhone o dispositivo Android per regolare la luminosità e la temperatura colore da qualsiasi punto del tuo studio, oppure utilizza i controlli integrati.. Avere un aspetto impeccabile non è mai stato così piacevole grazie alla struttura di qualità con illuminazione del bordo e alla tecnologia avanzata di diffusione a più strati. Ideale per riprese video e ritratti, Elgato Ring Light rende maestri dell’illuminazione dei primi piani

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
tempo di consegna: 24-48 ore
EAN: 0840006626053

elgato green screen

Scopri consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su elgato green screen ventuto a 159.98 € ; questo prodotto è inserito nella categoria Altri prodotti, prodotto da Elgato ed è venduto da Mediaworld.it

Elgato Green Screen La tela del creatore: Green Screen, supporto stabile ottimizzato per il Chroma Key con fotocamera, vi permetterà di realizzare trasmissioni veramente immersive in pochi istanti. Immersione istantanea: Ideale anche per gli spazi di lavoro più ristretti. Tutto quel che dovete fare è accendere qualche luce, prendere posto, e dar sfogo alla vostra creatività.

condizione: new
disponibilità: in_stock
costo di spedizione: 9.99
tempo di consegna: 24-48 ore
EAN: 4260195391536

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova informazioni, consigli e prezzi per apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1409.04 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari, questo prodotto è venduto da Refurbed.it ed è realizzato da Apple

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock
EAN: 0195949048852

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1351.24 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari; questo prodotto appartiene al Apple ed è venduto da Refurbed.it

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock
EAN: 0195949048852

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova informazioni, consigli e prezzi per apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1165.24 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari, questo prodotto è venduto da Refurbed.it ed è realizzato da Apple

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock
EAN: 0195949048746

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova informazioni, consigli e prezzi per apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1194.03 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari, questo prodotto è venduto da Refurbed.it ed è realizzato da Apple

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock

apple iphone 15 pro max

Scopri informazioni, consigli e prezzi per apple iphone 15 pro max, costo di 1519 € : si colloca nella categoria Cellulari; questo prodotto è venduto da Refurbed.it ed è realizzato da Apple

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1244.57 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari; questo prodotto appartiene al Apple ed è venduto da Refurbed.it

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock
EAN: 0195949048494

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova informazioni, consigli e prezzi per apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1370.9 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari, questo prodotto è venduto da Refurbed.it ed è realizzato da Apple

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock
EAN: 0195949049392

apple iphone 15 pro max

Scopri informazioni, consigli e prezzi per apple iphone 15 pro max, costo di 1194.03 € : si colloca nella categoria Cellulari; questo prodotto è venduto da Refurbed.it ed è realizzato da Apple

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova informazioni, consigli e prezzi per apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1601.48 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari, questo prodotto è venduto da Refurbed.it ed è realizzato da Apple

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock
EAN: 0195949050008

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1388 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari; questo prodotto appartiene al Apple ed è venduto da Refurbed.it

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock

apple iphone 15 pro max

Trova consigli, opinioni e caratteristiche su apple iphone 15 pro max venduto 1299.71 € , presente nella categoria Cellulari; questo prodotto appartiene al Apple ed è venduto da Refurbed.it

iPhone is just not technology, it’s an emotion. Experience the Epitome of Smartphone Perfection with the Completely Renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max. Key Features: MIND-BLOWING DESIGN: The refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max is made of aerospace-grade titanium, an incredible light, strong and durable material used for space exploration, now applied for the 1st time to the incredible completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro, UNBELIEVABLE! This smartphone is redesigned with contoured edges, giving an amazing feeling in your hand. EXCELLENT DYNAMIC ISLAND: Like the previous model, this marvellous completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has a Dynamic Island, so you can easily see your alerts and activities or even control your music, ALL IN ONE PLACE! STRIKING PERFORMANCE: Powered by the game-changing A17 Pro chip, this sensational refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of pro-level video and graphics, be ready to immerse yourself in a more realistic experience while playing your favourite games with this refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, every detail JUST LOOKS MARVELLOUS! NEW SURPRISING ACTION BUTTON: It adds a whole new layer of customization, while in previous models you had the function of silence your phone with it, now you can assign it new functions and customize it to do almost anything you want, like turn on flashlight, record a voice memo...is that yet not enough incredible for you? Specifications: Available in multiple storage options and 4 colours to suit your needs. 6.7" 120 Hz OLED display Dynamic Island 5G connectivity 48 MP Main camera, 5x zoom Titanium design Action button A17 Pro 7 pro lenses 4K60 ProRes USB-C Unlock Your Creativity Like Never Before with your new refurbed Smartphone SHOOT ARTISTIC PHOTOS AND CAPTURE YOUR BEST MOMENTS WITH A PRO-QUALITY CAMERA SYSTEM With its 48 MP pro main camera with an optical quality and 5x zoom, this fantastic completely renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max has something completely new and will take you to a top-level shooting experience! With the refurbed iPhone 15 Pro Max, you can shoot from ultra-wide to extremely tight thanks to the long focal length this amazing iPhone has. And let’s do not forget that photos have a practical file size useful for storing and sharing: did you shoot using Photo mode but now that you look at the gallery you changed your mind and want to switch to Portrait? It’s never too late with the great renewed iPhone 15 Pro Max, simply go to your photo, tap Edit, tap Portrait, adjust the dept of field and the magic is done! Customizable in every detail, you can even change the focus to a new subject, content creation has never been more practical and fun! The refurbished iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved Night mode and Portrait photos for the front camera, allowing you to take even more cool selfies to share on your social media profiles and get more easily tons of likes thanks to its professional-quality photos! CREATE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS, IMPRESS WITH FANTASTIC REELS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA This magic...

condizione: refurbished
disponibilità: in_stock

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